
Showing posts from 2010

Happy 1st Tuesday!!!!!

So I know that it is actually Monday, but me and my girls decided to come up with "something new" (loved that movie by the way) since most Mondays drag and are usually horrible..I mean its the first day back to working, some people go back to careers and others to jobs (huge difference by the way, another So what we do now is have a 1st Tuesday and of course then the regular Tuesday, followed by Wednesday(HUMP DAY), and so on.. So we don't really talk on the phone like that(still my ride or die's though ;) but are email freaks during the work day, so it helps us to get through the work week until we reach that most heavenliest(is that a word? day of the week.....FRIDAY....Oh how I wish everyday was a Friday!!!! But until then I email my girls and rearranging "days" will just have to do. Well my initial reason for logging in so early is I was reading a post that just hit a nerve with me and I felt like "writing"...The title o...

Tips for Being who you REALLY are

I recieve these daily emails from a website called The email was entitled "Tips for Being Your True Self", and I thought I would share some of the things that really stood out to me, because I feel there is a point in all of our lives, male or female, where we have to get back to knowing who we really are. Often times after living life and going through relationships, career changes, school, etc. one can get lost inside of themselves and it can be pretty hard to get back to who you are. The image of your real self might be so blurred that you forget what REALLY you stand for and who you REALLY are. "The best thing about being who you really are is that you simply cannot fail! You do it successfully 24 hours a day. Yet the essence of who you are is often covered by all the defenses, insecurities, and adaptations that have accumulated over the years. It is like wearing five pairs of pants, six shirts and two hats. Sure, you are being who you really are, ...

Ever get the feeling that something just isn't right?

Well recenty, last few months, I have been pretty moody and annoyed very easily. I am going to attribute it to a number of things. 1. I have just now realized that I suffer from PMS, sort of bad. I become a different person a few days prior and probably during also.. I can never realize this until it gets pointed out to me or its after the fact and I realize I am buggin out, literally BLACKING!! Great quote from BE MOODY WHEN YOU NEED TO BE!!! "You heard me right. Stop stuffing those bad moods in the vain attempt to be nice and easy to be around all the time. Be sure to let those who might be adversely affected know that it's you, not them, at the root of the mood, then let them come on. Dance with them. Ask them what they are trying to say. "Off" moods come from the True You, too, and they are saying something about a part of you that needs attention. Every light has it's dark, every up has it's down. Let's all give each other a littl...

First official snow of the year!

So this morning, to my suprise, I go outside to see that it is snowing and actually quite heavy. I know that it is December, but jeez I was so not prepared for it. On top of that, I had to go pick up lunch for my little one before I dropped her off to school and on top of that people drive like there was 10 inches on the ground when total accumulation was probably less than an inch, which all lead to me arriving to work a little later than normal(15 minutes)..Looks can be decieving..Well I just wanted to stop in with something on my mind.


I guess with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday it totally passed me by. November 27th marked my 6 month anniversary... Let's take a glimpse back into time...I transitioned for 10 months and did my BC on May 27, 2010. I cannot believe it has been 6 months and my hair is longer than it was before I cut off my relaxed ends. I am learning a lot and am enjoying this journey. I am VERY excited that I have made it this far with the amount of growth I have already achieved. My hair has never been this long and with TLC natural hair can grow and prosper... My goal isn't really to focus on length, but I would loveeee to see how much my hair can grow without a perm. I just want to say thank you to Curlynikki and also this forum because I dont know where I would be in my journey without all these helpful people and tools, and articles, and videos, and photos, Okay yall get my drift...Well have a blessed one and thanks for stopping by!!.

I DID MY BC!!!-Long overdue. I could have sworn I posted this!!!

I am going to need to update you guys because this was almsot 6 MONTHS AGO!!!!! Okay so Ive been missing in action just lurking but I promised pictures and here goes... I haven't really been doing too much with my hair since the BC. I do weekly co-washes, shampoo when I use a lot of products which has been once since the BC, and then apply leave in, and then some kind of oils after that. I then proceed to braid about 6 or so cornrows to the back and take them down in the morning...I am loving having my natural hair, but am also finding that if I dont do something to my hair nightly it will look a hot a** mess in the morning which is a little annoying when I have a ton of other ish to do, especially with a very active 2 year old girl. Also my hair has been extremely dry since I BC'd. I am just now starting to get really focused on a regimen and trying out products and seeing their true effects on my hair. Right now I am using organix coconut milk shampoo(when needed even thoug...

Pyramid head anyone????

So I always browse the natural hair websites daily, if not multiple times a day, just to see what's new and what's going on. So I am going through some older posts on because I have missed a few days with schoolwork and all. I see that we are now able to get a 15% discount until the end of the year (12/31/2010). So check that out if y'all are product junkies like me!!!! Anyhoo I found this really good article about "pyramid head" and thought I would share because being newly natural I think this is great information to have on hand.. Check it out and do with it what you like, just sharing... Enjoy peoples and MAKE it a GREAT one!!!

Doing this from my phone

I think this is pretty neat that I can post from my phone. I think this will be great. I'm going to post when I feel like it. Make it a great one!!! Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


So after all this mess with Fantasia has recently been in the news, and after watching this video, I cant help but feel bad for her. Being a female myself, I know that some dudes can be extremely conniving and manipulative to get ANYTHING they want!! And I mean haven't we all had someone who we can think of now as Bittersweet? I know I do..This has been on my mind for quite some time. I am still VERY, VERY, VERY excited for her album to come out and am looking forward to it...

I BELIEVE ITS THAT TIME first hair post

I am currently into my 9th month of transitioning and it has been okay until recently. About 2 months or so ago, I was getting a little (no a lot) frustrated with the two kinds of textures, mainly where they meet and also my relaxed ends. I decided to get some senegalese/kinky twists(whatever you call them) that I did myself after tons of you tube watching and reading. I figured how hard could it be and also didnt want to spend 200 to pay someone else. They came out great and I even got compliments on where I got them done at... So I finally took them out earlier this week and the take down process was a breeze since I did them myself I moisturized my hair before I did each twists,and didnt braid them too tightly because I knew what my hair could handle.. Great idea and best way that my hair has grown yet. But on wash day, where my new growth meets my ends was a complete B***H (EXCUSE MY FRENCH) to deal with!!! I have always had thick hair even with relaxed hair, my hair would always ...

Just started to blog

I just want to introduce myself to the world out there. I will use this blog as sort of a journal into my world, from being a mother, a student, a daughter, a worker, and mainly my journey to being natural in more than just my hair. So please feel to stop by and read or not. I will try my best to update this in a timely fashion. But since I am about to be 9 months I am going to start writing about my life experiences, situations, or whatever it is I feel like writing about.