Tips for Being who you REALLY are
I recieve these daily emails from a website called The email was entitled "Tips for Being Your True Self", and I thought I would share some of the things that really stood out to me, because I feel there is a point in all of our lives, male or female, where we have to get back to knowing who we really are.
Often times after living life and going through relationships, career changes, school, etc. one can get lost inside of themselves and it can be pretty hard to get back to who you are. The image of your real self might be so blurred that you forget what REALLY you stand for and who you REALLY are.
"The best thing about being who you really are is that you simply cannot fail! You do it successfully 24 hours a day. Yet the essence of who you are is often covered by all the defenses, insecurities, and adaptations that have accumulated over the years. It is like wearing five pairs of pants, six shirts and two hats. Sure, you are being who you really are, because you've chosen to add those extra layers. But can anyone really see the True You? Can you see her clearly? "
"They say the strongest enemy of Great is Good, and that is true. But demanding that you be great at everything is a sure fire recipe for enjoying nothing. "
"Listen to how often you use the words "should" and "ought." Each time you catch yourself using one of these words, ask yourself "Says who?" and question why they get to make up the rules. Are they wiser than your True Self? If you can't replace "should" and "ought" with "want," reexamine the issues at hand."
Just wanted to share some things that really hit with me!! If you want to check out all the tips and read it for yourself, check out the link below.
Have, no MAKE It a great one!!!! Til next time...
Often times after living life and going through relationships, career changes, school, etc. one can get lost inside of themselves and it can be pretty hard to get back to who you are. The image of your real self might be so blurred that you forget what REALLY you stand for and who you REALLY are.
"The best thing about being who you really are is that you simply cannot fail! You do it successfully 24 hours a day. Yet the essence of who you are is often covered by all the defenses, insecurities, and adaptations that have accumulated over the years. It is like wearing five pairs of pants, six shirts and two hats. Sure, you are being who you really are, because you've chosen to add those extra layers. But can anyone really see the True You? Can you see her clearly? "
"They say the strongest enemy of Great is Good, and that is true. But demanding that you be great at everything is a sure fire recipe for enjoying nothing. "
"Listen to how often you use the words "should" and "ought." Each time you catch yourself using one of these words, ask yourself "Says who?" and question why they get to make up the rules. Are they wiser than your True Self? If you can't replace "should" and "ought" with "want," reexamine the issues at hand."
Just wanted to share some things that really hit with me!! If you want to check out all the tips and read it for yourself, check out the link below.
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