Happy 1st Tuesday!!!!!
So I know that it is actually Monday, but me and my girls decided to come up with "something new" (loved that movie by the way) since most Mondays drag and are usually horrible..I mean its the first day back to working, some people go back to careers and others to jobs (huge difference by the way, another post...lol). So what we do now is have a 1st Tuesday and of course then the regular Tuesday, followed by Wednesday(HUMP DAY), and so on.. So we don't really talk on the phone like that(still my ride or die's though ;) but are email freaks during the work day, so it helps us to get through the work week until we reach that most heavenliest(is that a word?...lol) day of the week.....FRIDAY....Oh how I wish everyday was a Friday!!!! But until then I email my girls and rearranging "days" will just have to do. Well my initial reason for logging in so early is I was reading a post that just hit a nerve with me and I felt like "writing"...The title o...